Freedom School Student Hub

How do I pause or cancel my subscription?

We'll miss you, friend! To manage your subscription, click the button below and enter your email address when prompted. Within a minute or two, you'll be sent an email with a link to manage your subscription in the Subscription Portal. 

I signed up for a Freedom School Subscription! How can I access my resources?

Welcome to Freedom School! We're so glad to have you. When you signed up, you should have received an email that contains a link to access your resources. This will be separate from the email you received with your receipt. If you don't see it, be sure to check your spam or promotions folders, and add to your contacts so you never miss an email from us! If you're still having trouble, email us at that email address. We're happy to help!

I downloaded the resources, but can't seem to open them. What do I do?

Your resources are contained in a zipped folder to support the large amount of files we're sending each month! To access the folder, you'll need to download it on a computer and double-click the folder to unzip it. Once the folder is unzipped, you'll be able to access and print your resources!

How do I change the email address or update the billing information attached to my subscription?

To access your subscription information, click the button below and enter your email address when prompted. Within a minute or two, you'll be sent an email with a link to access your subscription information in the Subscription Portal and make any changes.