The Blog

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A Starter Guide for Surviving Election Season

Tips for keeping your sanity when dealing with… *checks notes*… everything!?




Tips for keeping your sanity when dealing with… *checks notes*… everything!?

A Starter Guide for Surviving Election Season


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Why Juneteenth is a holiday for everyone (and a few ways to commemorate it without appropriating it).

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom for Everybody!


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Reflections on joy in times of turmoil and happiness as a human right (even when things are going wrong)

Don’t You Let Them Steal Your Joy

The Everyday Advocate

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“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde Do you believe you’re worthy of the love you give? If you’re receiving this newsletter, you’re probably no stranger to caring about the wellbeing and thriving of other people. You’ve most likely spent […]

Eyes on Your Own Flowers

The Everyday Advocate

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Leaning into the necessary work that doesn’t always make the headlines.

Strikers Need Sandwiches

The Everyday Advocate

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Carrying what you can and believing that it’s okay to not be able to hold all of the world’s sorrows.

You’re Doing Better Than You Think

The Everyday Advocate

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A note about forming our own opinions instead of only being formed by others.

Am I Being Informed, or Am I Being Formed?

The Everyday Advocate

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How to avoid legalism within activism and drowning in the opinions of others

The Opinion Avalanche

The Everyday Advocate

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Our mistakes are not our masters.

Be Done With It

The Everyday Advocate

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The power of not tying your identity up in what you produce.

You Are Not What You Do

The Everyday Advocate

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The Everyday Advocate

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