“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.”
– Audre Lorde
Do you believe you’re worthy of the love you give?
If you’re receiving this newsletter, you’re probably no stranger to caring about the wellbeing and thriving of other people. You’ve most likely spent time engaging in compassionate conversations, opening your pockets to give generously, and lending an empathetic ear to the hurting–and I can guarantee that someone in your life is better because of it.
Now–do you believe that it’s okay to choose yourself, too?
I began this month with a goal to spend 20 days intentionally prioritizing my own mental wellbeing (It’s also why I didn’t send out a newsletter last week). As advocates, caring for our mental wellness isn’t just another task to add to our to-do lists–it’s crucial for our survival. And, wow, life has not been easy for me lately.Take the weight of any given day’s many hardships, add onto that any identity that’s been historically marginalized, and top it off with global oppression and injustice, and you’re looking at the perfect recipe for despair.
We live in a world where self-love is either demonized or is the sum of one’s full focus. For the absolute giver, love of self is merely a distraction—seen as an idolatrous focus on one’s own life and gain. For the absolute taker, love of self is the only necessity—the sole priority at all times and seen as a form of protection and insulation from the world’s hardships and attacks.
To live a life that values personal wellbeing while also loving others well, it’s critical to find balance between healthy self-worth and consideration for others. Give of yourself while also taking note of when your cup is running low. Care for yourself while also setting aside time and effort to show up for others. The two areas do not compete; they complement and fuel each other, creating a necessary balance for a life of love and impact.
Sometimes, certain seasons will involve spending less time pulling their weeds and more time tending to your flowers.
I’m including the 20-day journey of caring for mental well-being as advocates below–it’s called “Tending to My Flowers” and it’s yours for free if you’d like to join in! but I didn’t include weekends in the journey and it’s really low pressure. Here’s a link to a PDF version as well if you’d like to print it out!

Instead of the usual “do some good in five minutes or less” section that normally follows the end of the newsletter, would you consider jumping in on this and picking an idea from the list to do for yourself this week? Your mental health matters dearly, and you’re worthy of a life of wholeness.
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